Sunday 29 January 2012

January Update

Hi all,

Ok - so been a pretty inactive month as far as fundraising goes due to exams etc taking over everything! but thats all nearly over (I should technically be revising now but this is much more interesting!) so I thought I'd update you all on how its all going.

My cheque from the Allan and Nesta Foundation came through so I'm now able to pay that in. I also recieved a letter from the School House Trust of Ospringe Church with the news that I'd recieved the John de Chercham Award along with a cheque for £500!! Which I'm pretty happy about! :)

I also had some generous donations from individuals including Hilary Wells who gave me £50, and David and Caroline Shephard with £30 as well as a few more via my fundraising page - for those who don't know: :)

I am extremely grateful to everyone who's contributed - every little helps - as we've all proved raising over £80 by collecting coppers!

Anyway - all this has meant that my overall total now stands at £1,675.64  - a 1/3 of the way there! :D

Hopefully I should be doing a few more events in the coming months so I'll keep you posted! :)

Hannah :) xx